Surface Restoration – North Texas

Watch as The Sandblasting Shop showcases its expertise in surface restoration in this captivating video. With their specialized wet and dry blasting techniques, along with custom powder coating services, they bring new life to worn-out surfaces. Based in Greenville, Texas, their local shop serves the community, while their mobile unit extends its reach to all of North Texas.

The video begins with an impressive transformation of a brick surface surrounding a swimming pool, where years of wear and unsightly calcium buildup are removed, revealing a remarkable change. The results are truly amazing!

Next, the team takes on the restoration of a painted concrete patio. The previous paint layer had made the surface dangerously slick, prompting the owner to seek their expertise. Witness the skillful removal of the old paint layer, uncovering a beautifully restored concrete surface.

If you have worn-out surfaces in need of a transformation, The Sandblasting Shop is here to help. Don’t wait any longer! Give them a call at 972-357-7337 or visit their website at

Prepare to be amazed as The Sandblasting Shop breathes new life into surfaces through its exceptional surface restoration techniques.

[Video duration: 1 minute]